Inwood Road near Cedar Springs Road

Dallas, TexasDec 29, 20060 Comments

This is a School Zone 20mph area along Inwood Rd with Rusk Middle School and Maple Lawn Elementary on either side of the intersection. The sign postings on which Maple Lawn sits are inadequate, with only one speed sign in the meridian along the entire 1/8 mile block. This sign is very difficult for motorists in the right hand lanes to spot, particularly if trucks and vans are in the left hand lanes. There are no signs on the curb side of the street and the grey school building is obscured by a line of trees along the entire block. Motorists unfamiliar with the neighborhood, and traveling NE along Inwood will be vulnerable if they are stopped at the Cedar Springs light after passing the well-marked Middle School and are unaware that there’s a second school in the coming block. A motorcycle cop at the end of that block constantly waves speeders over onto Vandella and tickets them during the morning and afternoon restricted speed hours.

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