Irvine Boulevard near Palo Lado Street

Irvine, CaliforniaJul 17, 20071 Comments

Motorcycle officer sits on center divider of Irvine Blvd. or on Palo Lado at the signal/crosswalk approx. midway between Yale and Culver.

This is a speed trap - they sit in the barrier. They are totally inconsistent, I have been driving this for four years and the posted speed limit approaching is 55, then when children are present it is 25, however they don't strictly enforce it as I have been driving thruogh there at 40 to 45 with all the other traffic. At the beginning of the year Jan 2 through today there have been mortorcycle units there everyday in numbers. They are ticketing everyone!!!! Basically, slow down to 35 or under and they may over look it. Just in this block alone there were six units. So beware of this are and slow down.
#1Jan 05, 2012Report Abuse

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