James Hopkins Road near Cotton Creek Subdivision

Jacksonville, AlabamaJan 21, 20061 Comments

This trap is located halfway down James Hopkins Road, which ends at George Douthit Drive in front of Jacksonville High School. Students like to use it to get to school and frequently go as fast as 40. The speed limit is 25 in Jacksonville. Jacksonville Police may sit anywhere on this road on any morning before school. Many of my friends have been pulled over there, but I never have. THERE IS ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SPEEDING TO SCHOOL IN JACKSONVILLE.

In all cases that I have seen the number of people that think a section of road is a speed trap is more than the ones that don't think that it is a speed trap. Just because police are seen sitting and watching an area does not make it a speed trap. The way I see it they are just doing their job. A posted speed limit means that is the speed limit. It is posted as such for public safety and should be enforced. I believe that if the tickets are checked, we would see that the majority of tickets are for speeds that are more than 10 mph over the posted speed.
#1Apr 27, 2011Report Abuse

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