Just as the speed lowers from 55 to 45

Bluff City, TennesseeOct 16, 20102 Comments

The signs are not well posted and difficult to see if you are in the left lane. I was keeping up with traffic and was going 57 which is 2 over the speed limit at 55 speed limit just before the cameras and the NEW 45 limit. So Bluff City, I will pay your "Speed Trap" $90 fine but will never stop and support any stores in your little hick town. Real smart making a lot of folks mad who would be willing to support the local merchants. The city is overwhelmed with the number of tickets, probably because they operate a true old fashioned SPEED TRAP without exploring ways of making money through other means. I would not have sped through your town if the 45 speed limit sign was highlighted with a warning. Isn’t their a more logical way to get everyone to obey the speed and not just issue 1000’s of tickets and make people really MAD!

The town has "photo enforcement ahead" signs posted. There is a 45 MPH speed limit sign on both the left and right side in both directions. I think recently they have even added orange flags to the signs. How much more obvious can they make it before you will notice?? I have been driving through Bluff City for 7 years and the 45 MPH zone has always been there. They put the cameras up because no one was obeying the 45 limit (and to no doubt generate revenue too). The cameras are new, the speed limit is NOT. The highway goes from 55 MPH rural area to a reasonable 45 MPH town with densely packed businesses and cross traffic. You can argue against the use of speed cameras to catch speeders but don't claim 'speed trap' because you refuse to pay attention to traffic signs and/or obey traffic laws.
#1Mar 11, 2011Report Abuse
Just received my lovely law enforcement by proxi letter in the mail for going 56 in a 45. This is a 100% speed trap and the camera enforcement is an example of bad policy followed but lazy law enforcement. I would rather push my car out of the county in the future then gas up and give them a dime in revenue.
#2Mar 05, 2012Report Abuse

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