Just north of US 23 and OH 348 intersection

Lucasville, OhioAug 24, 20121 Comments

Trap set mostly to catch northbound traffic. Wide open four lane highway that should be at least 60mph starts at only 35mph for about 1000 ft. Most miss the sign. Can also trap drivers going southbound if they don’t slow down coming to the red light, as it drops from 55mph to 35mph with no warning.

Honestly, all of US 23 from Lucasville to Columbus could be considered a trap, as that road is safe enough to be set at 60mph, and they clock ya for anything near that.

The predatory Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers here have nothing more important to do, even if it means using an antiquated fixed-wing aircraft, with someone on board using a high-tech (not) stopwatch to time automobile movements from one pavement paint-marker to the next. By the way, it's now a 60mph zone (north of Lucasville), but they'll stop you for going no faster than 70. Suggestion: if you weren't going as fast as they say, check with the maker of your GPS app. Mine ("Motion-X" on iPhone) was able to confirm that I was there that day, and that in the area where I was stopped, I drove at speeds ranging from 67 to 69mph. Trivial difference unless you consider the fact that you don't get points on your license unless you're over the posted limit by TEN mph or more.
#1Feb 19, 2014Report Abuse

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