Just north of West Fork, AR on I540

West Fork, ArkansasJan 26, 20121 Comments

Officers from Washington County, Fayetteville, West Fork, Springdale and the State Patrol routinely have a tag team setup attacking northbound traffic. You can set your watch by the regularity of their presence. Hiding behind the onramp overpass and relaying the info to each other. They must use Vascar as my radar detector never goes off.

How is it that all the community police can patrol so far south of their respective towns? "They" must all be very proud of themselves!?

I am in the area on a monthly basis. A bonified speed trap!

They claim they have an agreement with the state to help enforce drug laws out there. I live in Fayetteville and knowing the Fayetteville cops and the city judge the way I do I know it's purely for revenue.
#1Sep 27, 2013Report Abuse

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