Kiehl Avenue

Sherwood, ArkansasJun 14, 20031 Comments

Speed Traps and expired tag traps. Kiehl Avenue is set at 40mph but is 2 lanes both directions with a turning lane. It is hard to keep it under 40mph on such a smooth and open road. The police hide just about anywhere. I’ve worked at a business on Kiehl for 7 years and several people at my office have gotten tickets including me. Also several of the side streets off Kiehl are trapped as well. I think Sherwood must have more police per capita than many other cities in Arkansas.

Sherwood cops are the worst. My bride got a ticket for going 22 (TWENTY TWO MPH) in a 20 MPH zone (now 25 just off Kiehl by USA Drug). The ticket cost $ 122.00 and our insurance rates were raised for three years. I got a ticket for running a YELLOW light; however, went to court and beat the ticket because it is not against the law to proceed thru a yellow light. Sherwood cops are looking for any minor violation to put funds in the Cities coffers. What cops should not be would be a great video starring the Sherwood Cops.
#1Jul 08, 2010Report Abuse

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