Lake Shore Boulevard near Minnewawa Road

Timberlake, OhioJan 01, 20062 Comments

I was stopped by a new rookie in Timberlake on December 24th at 3am for driving 47 m.p.h. in a 35 m.p.h. zone. This rookie wrote me a ticket for going 12 over the limit! Yes that’s correct 12 m.p.h. over the limit. I thought I should have least gotten a warning especially during the holidays! Thanks rookie!

Your welcome for your ticket.....12 mph over at 3am is a good stop looking for a drunk. Maybe you were an as*&%le and got the ticket.....maybe you had a few drinks and the cop decided not to get you for a DUI....Pretty much the only people out at 3am are drunks, cops and crooks....I work there and feel all of us cops are pretty fair........ For everyones information, Cops who get hired at Timberlake paid for their own police academy $4000.00 then they work 1 year for free (4 shifts per month minimum, but most do 6 or more) then after a year they get paid 9.25 an hr....but wait...we buy our own uniforms, pistol belt, weapon, handcuffs, pepper spray, winter gear and everything else we need. Ohhhhhh and we have no medical insurance. But we do it knowing everyone hates us...We love the job and everybody thinks we make a ton of money on tickets....We answer calls like everone else...we have deadly accidents, burglaries and domestic calls....but we as cops are $5000.00 in the hole when we start....Now how many of you would take on that job???? NOT MANY.... Slow down!
#1Jun 18, 2010Report Abuse
You were going over the speed limit, and you got caught. If you didn't think it was correct you could have fought it in court. You were speeding at 3 am, what makes you think you won't speed during the day? It was also Christmas Eve. What would have happened if you hit someone injuring them if not worse because you were going over the speed limit? Merry Christmas!?!? Would you have been happy then? Face it: you were wrong, got caught, but want to blame the police. Gotta love people's logic today. Keep at it Timberlake PD!
#2May 04, 2011Report Abuse

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