Linwood Ave @ Charlie Browns Restaurant

Washington, New JerseyMay 30, 20030 Comments

Linwood Ave (heading into Washington Township). Speed Limit 25, on the whole stretch of road. The cops sit in the "Charlie Browns" Parking lot & blast anyone who comes over the hill. Hoping to chalk up a D.W.I. or 2 under their belts, they hide on the bridge just past "Charlie Browns". Its in the dark too. You won’t see him until you are on top of him, its pretty sneaky. Finally the last & worst spot of them all is at the end of Linwood Ave where it meets with Pascack Rd. theres a "T" in the road, you can only go right or leFort One night as I rolled up to Pascack Rd, I couldn’t believe what I saw, there was a cop who backed up a residential driveway about 20 ft & was facing traffic on Linwood Ave, slamming cars coming towards him with radar, When I finally noticed that it was a cop at the "T" in the road, I was shocked!!! This was a super stealth location. I was right on top of him (about 30 ft away) The only thing I saw was the little red light on his Radar/Lazer gun mounted on his dashboard! I turned the corner & said to myself "Thats the greatest location I’ve ever seen a cop in, ever"…….BEWARE

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