Lookout Canyon Road, Texas

San Antonio, TexasNov 24, 20101 Comments

Lookout Canyon south of 1604 and north of Toepperwein Rd. in San Antonio, and live Oak, Texas. This very small stretch of road has a 35 mph limit. No one can understand why since the rest of this road has a 40 0r 45 mph limit on it. Cops will wait all over it sometimes 2 or 3 at a time. They are Live Oak cops. I got pulled over once, but amazingly she let me go. I was doing 41 in a 35, I commented that the speed limit was 40, and she said no, everywhere else on the road but not here. I guess she felt like I wasn’t a big enough fish or felt sorry for me or whatever. I got a warning, but my husband AND daughter both got pulled over and got tickets. So beware!

This is a crazy area it goes from LIve Oak to San Antonio back to Live Oak then back to SA while heading towards Nacco. Live Oak loves this spot because of the hill heading towards SA
#1Nov 09, 2011Report Abuse

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