Main highway through Ferriday near E.E Wallace Road.

Ferriday, LouisianaMar 06, 20171 Comments

In early January of 2017 I received a speeding ticket while driving through Ferriday. I was driving through the middle of town at 12:00 noon and the traffic was probably moderate to heavy for this small town. There were cars in front of me and behind me. I was observing the speed limit. I was stopped by a policeman who told me that I was driving 57 mph in a 45 mph zone. I tried to tell the officer that I was not speeding but he would have no part of it. the cars ahead of me were not stopped. I travel through this area frequently and know it to be a speed trap that is why I was extra cautious. I have paid the ticket, it will not go on my record.

How did you keep it off your record? I was told the only way to do that was to show up at court. Did you do so?
#1Oct 12, 2019Report Abuse

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