Main St & Broadway

Muldrow, OklahomaNov 14, 20082 Comments

The entire length of highway 64 in muldrow city limits from east to west is a speed trap. officer hide anywhere they can and target cars traveling any over the speed limit. i was stopped by the same officer for traveling 4 mph over the limit and ticketed. I have been told that the Chief has competitions with his officers to write tickets. The Speed limit in Roland is 45mph on the same highway but drops to 35 – 25 mph all the way through muldrow. Ive never been stopped in Roland or Moffett but always get stopped in Muldrow. BEWARE. Wear your seatbelt too.

Main street and broadway run THROUGH school properties. Hence the 25 mph in a school zone, duh! Speed trap, NO. Read the sign, obey the law, NO PROBLEM!
#1Apr 30, 2010Report Abuse
Some areas need to be enforced tight in this area due to school, but don't speed up too quickly leaving this podunk town.
#2Oct 05, 2010Report Abuse

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