Main St., Nye Ave, Pomeroy Rd, Near Pomeroy Elementary

Pomeroy, OhioMay 20, 20030 Comments

The major times to watch out for is during the Weekend from the hours of 7AM to 3PM. The officer that is on duty constantly is pulling cars over and finding something to write a citation for. The places to watch for him is he will sometimes park along Main St on the same side as the parking lot. He normaly faces towards City Hall. (Or he faces upstream of the Ohio River) He does this to catch people "running" the red lights. Also he will sit along Chester Road leading out of town towards SR 7. When he is here he WILL chase out out of the city limits to give you a speeding ticket. My mother was pulled over twice in 6 months by this tactic. He followed her for a mile before he decided to turn his lights on and pull her over. The second time he pulled her over within an 1/8 of a mile of the corp limit. He is a very parinoid person so do not make wisecracks or fast movements.

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