main street

New Cumberland, West VirginiaJul 27, 20022 Comments

You have the NewCumberland city, Hancock Co. Sherriff’s departrment, and the WV. State Police all in the same town. TGhey all love to run radar with no lights on at smith’a gas station, Giant Eagle, and Jodies tuck stop. Becareful they are extremely rude and will right citations for even one mile over!

Yes this a speed Trap!And the young cop who writes everyone tickets also will lie under oath.he did with me.and the so called judge is a joke.i
#1Jun 25, 2012Report Abuse
Use Caution while driving through this Town. If you go 1 mile over the speed limit they will nail you. If you are using your Cell Phone they will nail you. The Police in this town are very very nasty and extremely rude. They think everyone they pull over is a drug dealer. I strongley suggest if you have the bad luck of being pulled over here tape it.
#2May 15, 2015Report Abuse

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