Maitland Boulevard near US Highway 17-92

Maitland, FloridaFeb 03, 20082 Comments

This speed trap is located on Maitland Boulevard (highway 414), in the eastbound lanes, on the overpass at Orlando Avenue (highway 17-92). An officer parks just over the crest of the bridge, shooting radar behind him as the eastbound cars approach. By the time you actually see the officer’s cruiser, it’s too late, and the ticket is all yours. I would see the officer at this location every weekday morning during my 8:00 am commute. I recently started taking a different route.


This speed trap still exists to maintain revenue for a bored PD department. They will be in this location at all hours. I have seen them here as late as 2am on Sunday night!
#1Sep 02, 2010Report Abuse
Just got pulled over here today. Asked the officer if he has ever sped, he said no. integrity..
#2Jun 05, 2020Report Abuse

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