McEver Road
Southbound on the 2-lane road just prior to where it becomes 4-lane at Friendship Road, there’s a cement plant. The limit is 55 before/after that point, but it’s 35 for about 300 yards. Got nailed at 2:30 AM with not another vehicle in sight. Didn’t even notice the sudden change from 55 to 35. Interesting enough, I was coming from a rather wild party, but the officer didn’t even attempt to get close enough to check my breath (I was actually fully sober, but quite tired); my wife/passenger was loaded and wreaked of liquor (a drink got spilled on her during the party). So it was obvious this was no "safety" stop, just a quick harrassment for cash. He grabbed my docs and rushed away to write it out. At court there were at least 5 other victims I spoke to who got nailed by the same trap! Fighting it, of course! (Is it possible to subpeona a log of tix given out by that officer or others at that location?)
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