Mertensia, Rte 41, btw Mendon and Farmington

Canandaigua, New YorkJul 12, 20120 Comments

Mertensia is on Rte 41 (Boughton Hill Rd). Speed there is 40 mph for about a mile, between the 55 mph limit of the rest of Rte 41 to the West, and the intersection of Rte 332 to the East where the speed is also 55 mph. There are also some mystery signs which show 30mph at the neighborhood intersections. It is unclear if the signs posted on Rte 41 showing 30 mph at the intersections means to slow down from 40 to 30 at the intersections or not (or only if you turn into the neighborhood). Ontario County Sheriff cars are on that little stretch of road frequently, more than would seem likely or reasonable. They are traveling with radar or pulled off to the side. The mixed speed limit signage seems open to interpretation.

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