Mexico Rd. North of State why A construction zone

Wentzville, MissouriApr 26, 20120 Comments

Going north on Mexico Rd. North from State Hwy A is a construction zone. There is a electric sign as you get on Mexico Rd. that has recycleing messages about the construction ahead. One of the messages is a 20 mph speed limit. But if you don’t hit the sign at the right time you can miss the speed limit message. And as you proceed north there are NO posted speed limit signs. And if you get caught you are just expected to know Wentzville has an ordinance that limits speed to 25 mph on unposted roads. OK maybe it is an ordinance but how many people do you think know about it. And you will be found guilty. If they truly wanted to reduce speed to 20 mph they would post some speed limit signs along this construction area. So by not posting the speed limit I can only think this is about making money. When I argued my ticket I had a video of the whole trip I took so the Judge could see not a speed limit sign along the whole distance. I was still found guilty as was several others who argued the same thing about no signs posted along the construction zone. We were all found guility. I was fined $123 for going 5 mph over the speed limit. Be carefull, all they want is your money. Its not about trying to reduce speed.

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