Midcrown Drive

Windcrest, TexasNov 01, 20073 Comments

The whole town is a radar trap because the posted speed limit is only 20 mph! These cops have nothing to do in this sleepy bedroom town. They will pull you over for anything.

Yes it is a Speed Trap--If, you speed over 20 MPH and OR if you have a headlight out, tail light out, windshield cracked or an overdue inspection sticker or license overdue. I reviewed the several months of court documents and every single case had items additional to the speed. I live here, I know
#1Apr 04, 2010Report Abuse
I live here and know too....and I hope you were saying that you approve of the care our police take in keeping our little city quiet, safe and just what it is...a sleepy little city with nice people, nice parks, nice play areas, nice pool, nice tennis courts, nice basketball court....all the things that make it a special place. Oh...and I've been a resident since 1981. This is much better than living in San Antonio or Austin...and I love both of those towns too.
#2Oct 29, 2010Report Abuse
Good for you for living in a place you like, but there's no excuse for pulling people over for a couple miles an hour over a 20-mph speed limit. That is just WAAAAY too low, unless the road has some crazy blind curves and whatnot. And expired stickers and registrations? Are you kidding me? Leave people alone on those, OR give them the option to buy 2-year inspections and registrations. Otherwise, leave 'em alone for being a few days over. Sheeesh!
#3Nov 19, 2010Report Abuse

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