Middlebelt Road near Puritan Street

Livonia, MichiganFeb 14, 20081 Comments

The police regularly wait on Puritan Street next to the LaSalle Bank. They regularly watch for people running the traffic light. Watch out for this traffic light. If it turns yellow, stop at all costs. It is small and not very visible, and the yellow light doesn’t last very long, giving you a very limited time to react. I regularly see people pulled over during the hours of 3-6pm.

This is MOST DEFINITELY a speed trap and a BS one at that, this is one of the FEW places in MI that they actually enforce not going through on a yellow, in Livonia treat all yellows like reds, it cost me 140 bucks last year AND they actually asked HOW MUCH CASH I HAD ON ME, THIS PLACE IS A KANGAROO COURT!
#1Apr 28, 2010Report Abuse

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