Mile Marker 217 I-20

Colorado City, TexasJul 12, 20101 Comments

CCPD sits on the right side between overpass & the on ramp, can’t be seen until your on top of him. Out of Staters beware…..

OMG! i got a speeding ticket in that exact same spot! i was going 80-85, yes i know a tad high but i was trying to pass these annoying semi trucks that were driving slow in the fast lane., going down hill i had to speed up to pass and not mess up the flow of speeding traffic. as i approach the on ramp to the right, i see a cop, proceeds to hit his lights and come after me. im from CA so i knew i was going to get a ticket. i heard cops in tx are very much against non-texans. as soon as he approached my truck, he begins to yell and scream at why i was going soooo much over the limit? i explained i was simply trying to pass the semi. he continued to yell rudely, even splattering some spit on me in the process, i apologized and he said too bad no warning youre getting a ticket. any cop i have ever encountered in TX has been rude, racist, and a complete Douche.
#1Jul 27, 2010Report Abuse

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