Monocacy Boulevard near Between US15 & MD26

Frederick, MarylandJul 15, 20060 Comments

This 4-lane median divided road is classified as a Major Arterial, posted for 25mph but had 42 mph 85th percentile speed from Safety Study performed just a few years ago. The land is zoned Commercial all along one side of road and Residential on the other but the Residential is separated by landscaped berms clearly blocking back yards from the roadway. The roadway segment is not a record based high accident area and it has sidewalks on both sides beyond its curb & gutters. Roadways are classified various classes according to the AASHTO design manual for a reason… short to move traffic at the safe speed motorist are comfortable traveling in corridoors where the roadway network, land use and roadway design warrant it. The facts presented speak for themselves.

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