Morrison Area New Trap

Morrison, ColoradoJul 18, 20121 Comments

Morrison officer will sit at a pull off area with all lights on as if they have some one pulled over or are attending to a situation that requires them to have their light on. As you drive by and are not able to move over to the left lane they then issued a citation for Not Giving Right of Way to a Emergency Vehicle. This is a 4 point Careless driving ticket and almost impossible to defend. Statue which they are using is CRS 42-4-1402 and CRS42-4-7052. This officer was a good 15 to 20 yard from the edge of the road and in his vehicle. I travel this section every day and it is rare not to see a Morrison officer either issuing a citation or waiting for the next victim. Traffic citations are a large source of Morrison’s revenue.

I'm ASSuming this is on hwy 285 where they normally have a speed trap set, but the writer didn't specify where.
#1Aug 23, 2012Report Abuse

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