Muskogee Turnpike near OK Hwy 51 near Coweta

Wagoner, OklahomaJul 02, 20061 Comments

There will be a Highway Patrol unit on the bridge over the turnpike, one on the on-ramp waiting to get drivers on the turnpike and usually a couple more down the road to catch any the first chase car misses. July 1, 2006 within a 1/2 mile stretch we saw 5 highway patrol units stopping people at about 1:45 p.m. The speed limit is 75, there’s no reason to speed, but people do and they know it. They are there regularly and really out in force on holiday weekends. As I said before, there’s not reason to speed, 75 is fast, so don’t risk it. They are there and they will stop you.

This is definitely a trap. I use to live by this area and actually drove up on the bridge one day and the cop there had the nerve to tell me not to drive there cuz they were trying to catch people and I was in the way.... excuse me???? Just be aware.... they will catch you.
#1Mar 17, 2010Report Abuse

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