N. Shepard Boulevard

Houston, TexasApr 02, 20040 Comments

This is definately a trap, most posts I see are just regular traffic enforcement.
This is a trap on N. Shepard heading both ways. On the North side of 610 past 43rd around Tidwell.
Well, it’s where Shepard goes from 45mph to 35mph mostly if coming from I-45 heading south, it’s easy to miss the sign with all the junk on both sides of the road in that area.
So they hide behind the telephone poles ready to pounce on the Slightest Infraction. They waved about 3 or 4 of us over, stepping out into the roadway. Some were already pulled over. Looked on the other side of North bound Shepard, same thing over there. There were about a dozen of us pulled over total. Sneaky Snakes in this spot.

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