New Territory Boulevard near US Highway 59

Sugar Land, TexasMay 25, 20073 Comments

Located at the sharp left bend near Telfair. Both K and Ka radar (car) and laser (motorcycle). Motorcycle cops tend to hide behind bushed in the median at the 90 degree corner, lasering drivers as they come over the brow of the hill. Car cops often hide of the side roads and in the median around the area. Used to be a 55mph limit. Now 35 mph, with most vehicles moving between 45 to 55 mph. Big revenue generator for the city. Have been lasered a couple of times, but most of the time, the cop is writing tickets for other motorists.

Speed limit now 45 on University Blvd. and New Territory Blvd. Cops no longer very interested.
#1Dec 22, 2009Report Abuse
Sure we are!
#2Aug 27, 2010Report Abuse use to be 35 mph but has been raised to 45 mph now that the construction is complete. If you're gonna cry about something, at least have your facts right
#3Dec 15, 2010Report Abuse

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