Newhope Blvd

Westminster, CaliforniaApr 14, 20111 Comments

On Newhope Blvd southbound, between Westminster blvd and Hazzard. A MC cop with radar gun checking so and north bound. speed limit is 35mph and the traffic flow usually goes 40 to 45….Usually between 11:00am to 2:00pm….

Yes this is a speed trap!! I defended myself on a ticket I received here (51mph in a 35mph) with a trial by declaration and my ticket was dismissed!! The local engineering and traffic survey shows the 85th percentile safe speed to be higher than the posted limit, and the officer that tickets here captures your speed based on laser. If you want to know how to defeat the ticket here, or anywhere else there is a speed trap, e-mail me. :-)
#1Oct 19, 2012Report Abuse

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