NW Arm Drive Spryfield twrd Dunbrack at the 102 interchange

Halifax, Nova ScotiaApr 19, 20102 Comments

At the 102 interchange the police set a trap just NW of the Interchange where the speed is reduced to 60 from 80. They are in a blind dip on the other side of the interchange and even if you are decelerating to meet the 60 they will nail you. No excuses..it’s entering a school zone. I was ticketed 9PM Sunday evening.

They nailed me 10:30pm bringing my 88 year old mother home from her seniors dart league.
#1Oct 29, 2010Report Abuse
This is where they got me, coming down from 80 to 60. $225 later...
#2Jan 02, 2011Report Abuse

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