On county HY V on north side exiting Harmony Grove

Harmony Grove, WisconsinJul 16, 20131 Comments

This is a recently upgraded road that previously had a 55 MPH speed limit. After the road improvements the speed limit was reduced to 35 MPH and it is now a favorite haunt for the Columbia Sheriff’s Dept. A local group opposes the lower limit, but have so far been confronted with local official arrogance.

Visit http://www.causes.com/actions/1755424-i-cant-drive-35-demand-a-legal-approach-to-setting-speed-limits-in-harmony-grove to join us in gathering the necessary momentum to reverse this travesty!!!! We are a local group that is in the process of gathering support to force our local government to act like the ELECTED, public servants that they are supposed to - and to actually recognize and correct their blatant violation of the law!
#1Jul 16, 2013Report Abuse

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