on I-20

Douglasville, GeorgiaSep 01, 20002 Comments

I wanted the readers to know that Douglasville is not a speedtrap. The hideaway that you speak of just past Post Road is not even in the city limits and the bikes are never behind the trees. Also, the info. is wrong about the number of bikes purchased and the way they were paid for. My best advice is not to speed but if you do only do it at a moderate level. A traffic accident at 80 mph is totally different from an accident at 40mph. Oh, and there are never officers on the Chapel Hill Bridge, only on rare occasions.

This was annexed by the City Of Douglasville several years ago. One side of I-20 is the city and the other side is the county. Most of I-20 is like that.
#1May 06, 2010Report Abuse
They are there on a regular basis. About once a month. In fact, they were there today with a officer on the bridge radio'ing cars lined up on the east bound on-ramp pulling people over, one after another. It's most drivers from out of town/state that aren't aware of their usual camping spots along I-20. Dialing for dollars.
#2Mar 14, 2016Report Abuse

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