Palos Verdes Drive South

Rancho Palos Verdes, CaliforniaOct 22, 20101 Comments

Across from Wayfarers Chapel hidden around Portuguese Bend section a LA County Sheriff sits almost every morning at 6:30am. I see him on my way to and from Palos Verdes High School and always someone has been stopped.
Rancho Palos Verdes City Council needs to think seriously about imposing an additional tax on it’s residents in the form of traffic tickets.
Citizens of PV do not like the surveillance.
Vote NO for Red light cameras.

Just before PV Drive enters Portuguese Bend heading toward Trump Golf/San Pedro the speed limit drops from 45 to 35. The cops hang out in the private-drive pullout for Abalone Cove, and you can't see them until way too late. Where the speed limit drops to 35, the number of lanes also drops from four to two, so a lot of people gas it to get past a slowpoke they see 25-50 yards ahead of them as the lanes merge. Bad move, cuz then you're doing 60 in a 35. That's a $400 ticket. Beware of Deputy Skinny! When you get pulled over, you'll know what I mean.
#1Aug 30, 2011Report Abuse

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