Panola county

Carthage, TexasMay 02, 20101 Comments

Watch all over this area on Rte 59. I have been stopped 10 out of 12 times going through this town. From everything from not driving in one lane at 2:30am after passing a truck to not having a seatbelt on after passing a cop at 70 mph. No tickets just looking for excuses.

one must remember or understand that Carthage is a major intersection from new york to mexico, and visa versa. a major drug run and the police in this area are always on the lookout for those folks who fit the 'profile' (but of course they "don't" profile). so yes, YES, Carthage is a biggie on the radar! several years ago, one of their police made the Top Cops program for this very reason, he busted several drug runners and got recognized for it.
#1Jan 20, 2011Report Abuse

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