Pansey Street

Pasadena, TexasFeb 20, 20083 Comments

Pansey between Vista and Fairmont.

Officers stand at the entrance to Vista Oaks on Pansey. The limit is 30 and they get you going 35, which is the standard speed limit in Pasadena. They shoot radar from that entrance to the subdivision and flag you down into the subdivision so they don't give their position away. I saw them with four cars in there and they were still shooting radar.
#1Mar 16, 2010Report Abuse
btw I have not been awarded a speeding ticket since 1975. ___This location has excellent N, S, & E kill zones and a side street to where victims are immediately directed out of sight. They could shoot W but they were very visible from the West. I have seen as many as 6 officers (4 cars, 2 motorcycles) working the trap. This was a blatant abuse of the population is the kind of thing that generates negative feelings toward the police by otherwise good citizens against the police. ___Why? Because it displays ignorance and a cash crop mentality toward our citizens. We are not stupid. Read on. ___The key to wealth was the 30 Mph speed limit set on a road bordered by continuous privacy fence, pasture, low visibility residential access, a social lodge & a couple of small warehouses. It essentially appears as open road that goes from Vista to Walmart on Fairmont. By the shear # of citations one would expect a flag to go up that there is a fundamental traffic engineering problem, and tend to it oh say within a few years. Instead the location was methodically s exploited for cash at the expense of the population's opinion of the police. That is stupid. ___Last fall (2009) someone had the mind boggling thought of raising the speed limit to an appropriate (whopping?) 35 Mph and posting 2 additional speed limit signs (1 each way) at appropriate intervals. I've live just off Pansy since 91 and can say that by observation that this passive technology has resolve the issue. Cars are slower, therein our streets are safer. I have not seen the trap in operation since which indicates that it is not financially practical to abuse our people at this point thus drivers are obeying the law.
#2Mar 23, 2010Report Abuse
YES! this is deff a speed trap. I've lived a few streets over from pansy my entire life, so I know how the traffic is and how often they sit there. I've gotten a ticket there going 36 mph. Seriously? I was sooo pissed! 1 mph over and I got a nice ticket was $175 I believe, It's been a few yrs lol. The mayor seriously needs to change the speed limit to at least 40 there, it has way to much traffic to be going 35 mph. I know it's in the middle of 2 neighborhoods, it's still a busy main street!! so 35 is a safe speed, but if it's to worry about kids, um... hello, why are your kids in the middle of a busy road like that? INCREASE THE SPEED LIMIT!! Also, the stop sign at pansy and old vista, how the road curves, people need to learn to take turns... I'm waiting for the day when tons of accidents start happening because they have the road all jacked up right there and people are too impatient to wait their turn and 3-4 people heading towards vista cut other people off trying to turn left onto old vista. UGH!
#3May 05, 2010Report Abuse

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