Poncha Pass

Salida, ColoradoApr 22, 20101 Comments

A Trooper travels back & forth on Poncha Pass with instant on radar. Recently I was traveling southwest when I came upon a construction zone. I was going the posted limit when I noticed a new sign ahead of me that reduced the speed to 40mph. At that very same moment also saw a State Trooper coming towards me going the opposite direction. He blasted me with radar before I ever had a chance to reduce down to 40mph. He later pulled me over & told me I was speeding. I explained to him that I was going the correct speed limit up to the moment I saw the first 40mph sign & that I saw him at that same moment also. I had not reached the new sign at that moment either. He decided to give me a warning but told me to take my license plate cover off of my plate. The plate is perfectly clear!

Construction zones speed enforcement is necessary! Most of the time, drivers don't read or acknowledge the "fines doubled" , "construction zone" and lower speed limit. While a cushion on speed is oftentimes granted on permanent posted speeds, don't expect it in construction zones. Slow down, get there safe and obey the limits-then you have no worries! Also, don't have anything blocking your license plate or registration tabs-it's another reason to get stopped.
#1Jun 02, 2010Report Abuse

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