Quinpool Road inbound Halifax 1/4 mile past Rotary

Halifax, Nova ScotiaApr 19, 20102 Comments

Just prior to a hill and left bend in Quinpool there is a cul-du-sac on the right leading to a small island in the NW Arm. The police hide in this and get drivers accelerating from the Rotary proceeding to city centre.

That's a really dangerous corner and people drive too fast. I'm glad the cops are ticketing drivers who speed around that corner!
#1Jan 01, 2011Report Abuse
There is a steep downhill on Quinpool towards the rotary, at that spot, and the HPD knows that cruise control is useless at 50 km/hr because there's no drag force to slow you down (you'll coast past the speed limit). The HPD targets the valleys below steep down hill runs at the lowest speed limits. Somebody understands physics and technology in the department.......too bad they didn't put it to better use. :)
#2Aug 02, 2013Report Abuse

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