Ramp exit from I-280 North onto 380 towards 101 interchange
The bad news is that this is a regular coffee-break spot for the CHP. Primarily cars (black and whites, the East Bay Camaros did not make it to 280 yet) and many times two of them. Traffic usually speeds up and cross merges to make or avoid the 380 exit from I-280N (towards the SF airport). Exit is 2 lanes and right lane usually drops to safe below 65mph limit. However, many sporty cars accelerate merging into the 380 lanes. Bad mistake! Immediately to the left there is large flat and paved end-of-highway area partly hidden behind cement barriers and with high-speed exist for the cops on both sides of 380. Usually the cruiser facing East (towards airport) has front Ka-band turned on (CHP runs two Ka units in most cars – front and rear facing), only rarely the other guy because exit curbs are tighter. Beware also of when these guys come to their break. I’ve seen them turn their radar off and speed right behind you before the 380 exit. Know what’s in your rear view mirror and slow to safe 65 on 380 merge ramp. I drive 450HP Firehawk with Escort 8500 unit and they try all tricks with me.
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