Rosebud & 78

Snellville, GeorgiaFeb 09, 20111 Comments

Since some police can’t do radar in Gwinnett County, they are looking for anything else they can to get your money!
Watch making a turn into Papa John’s they will say you turn in to soon into the center lane (turn lane not marked) …..when there is no other business or drives that you could turn to, also traffic going the other direction has no need of a turn lane, SOOOOOO no one would be in that center lane. ALL for the $$$$$$$$$$!

Speed Trap? More like Cash Cow. The cops sit behind the Papa John's Pizza sign to obstruct their view (hide) so if you decide to make a left turn into the Dollar General or the Papa John's make sure you do so because if you make the left turn onto to Rosebud you will receive a $125.00 ticket. Fighting the ticket is not an option unless you want to sit in a courtroom for 2-4 hours. The law says that you cannot travel more the 300 feet in this turn lane. 40-6-126. Central lane for turning Whenever a highway or roadway has a central lane in which traffic may enter from either direction for the purposes of making a left turn, no vehicle shall be driven into such central lane except for the purpose of making a left turn, and no vehicle shall enter into such central lane at a location which is more than 300 feet from the location where the vehicle will turn left across one or more lanes of oncoming traffic. No vehicle which has been driven into such a central lane shall be operated in such central lane for more than 300 feet.
#1Jun 26, 2014Report Abuse

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