Route 36 & Main St.

Port Monmouth, New JerseyMay 29, 20031 Comments

They’re everywhere! And they will pull you over and do a check whether you’re speeding or not, whether you’re 50 or 17. Middletown cops are notoriously difficult.

Do the Middletown Police do their job? Are then notoriously difficult. No... and this web site is full of poop.....Radar on Main St occasionally...yep....don't speed and you won't get a ticket.... Try a full stop at stop signs.... if do not respect Middletown Police... when you hear someone breaking in your home at 3:00am.... call McDonalds....or your plumber.... if you are having difficulty breating....have a local service station bring their air pump over.... screw those damn cops....
#1Apr 28, 2010Report Abuse

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