Roy Rogers Road near Beef Bend Road

Tigard, OregonFeb 26, 20040 Comments

This road is a wide and fairly straight Washington County country road. The Sheriff has double-yellowed the entire stretch, even though all other roads in the area have passing lanes and are marked at 55 mph. The speed limit on Roy Rogers is 45 mph with a sign underneath stating that the limit is "temporary." As of 2/2004, this sign has been in place for well over two years. The Sheriff likes to hide in an entry way by a farm on the opposite side of the intersection at Roy Rogers and Beef Bend road. He is looking for speeders heading south to Tualatin/Sherwood from Beaverton/Tigard. This road should easily be a 55 mph zone and in Idaho would be a 65 mph zone. This is a major speed trap for the Washington County Sheriff’s office.

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