Rt 176, near the lake

Island Lake, IllinoisJun 11, 20031 Comments

I got a ticket at this place a couple of years ago for four miles over the limit, I’m not kidding. The cop was sitting at the top of a hill and got me right as I crested the hill. Plus, the cop was a real jerk about it. When he asked if I wanted to see the radar he said that I "bought the ticket, might as well see the show" as well as other sarcastic remarks throughout. Went to court to fight it and lost. I don’t go this way much but have seen cops nearby on a couple of occasions.

Funny side story, I had to go to traffic school for this ticket. The class was being taught by a McHenry county cop. He didn’t believe that I got a ticket for four miles over. When I showed him the ticket he said "oooohhh, Island Lake". 🙂

Well, it is hilly there, so that's NOT fair, since one's vehicle is always picking up speed downhill. Thankfully, I have little business in and around the lake - I walk my dog many more times around the lake in a year than I drive around it. BTW, at the speed of 20mph, 4mph is going 20% too fast. 20% too fast at 40 would be 48mph. That 5mph rule of thumb is a false belief, anything over the posted limit IS fair game, and people should occasionally check their speedometer - sometimes speedometers do go out of calibration! Also, this is a residential area with plenty of curves, driveways and quite a few young children. Be glad you don't live in one of the town home developments, where the speed is only 15mph!
#1Mar 24, 2010Report Abuse

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