Russell Road near Muirhead Drive

Elgin, IllinoisFeb 14, 20081 Comments

Squad sits between Cornerstones old church and dumpster so is well hidden from view. Only see it 9pm-5am. Elgin recently reduced speed limits on many roads many of which are NOT posted. Kane Co. is reaping benifits from this. I was pulled over going 48 in a 45 but ticketed for 78. Simple math prevailed in the courtroom. Cop harrassed me for 5 weeks after acquittal, often sitting at my driveway to follow me in the morning to the edge of his jurisdiction.

If you beat the ticket and he sits outside your house and waits for you to leave for work, it's called stalking and harrassment. I'd take pictures from your window everyday that he sits there and pictures of him following you, or have a friend follow him as he follows you and take video. You have a suit against him and the PD. JMO. Kik
#1Apr 29, 2010Report Abuse

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