S 700 E & E 8270 S

Sandy, UtahMay 22, 20091 Comments

There will be 3 motorcycle or 1 squad car sitting on the west side of the road by the Engh nursery. Hidden behind trees and bushes that are set back a little from 7th east. Usually before 9am most days and definately on Fridays. Sometimes even in the afternoon. They will also sit on the east side of the road a little south of this spot by Mizumi Restaurant.

As someone that has children attending Union Middle School and Hillcrest High School I'm happy to see 700 East being patrolled. Try crossing 700 East during the morning commute or late afternoon. Here's a thought...obey the speed limit and you don't have to worry about where the cops are! Thanks to the Sandy Police Dept. for trying to keep these kids safe.
#1Sep 04, 2010Report Abuse

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