S. Sherman Ave

Manderson, WyomingFeb 08, 20230 Comments

I was heading from Chicago to Yellowstone.
I was proceeding west on WY St Route 31
I was coasting through town slowly (25 in a 30) and when I crossed the tracks I slowed down to a creep because of the sharp right turn. As I make the turn, I see the Police SUV parked there. I proceed with all due caution as a police office is literally watching me.

I crept out of town and before I can turn right and proceed west on US 20, I see the lights in my rear-view mirror.

I pullover and answer his questions. The questions are really to confirm I am a tourist from out of town. Not knowing, I am being targeted, I answer honestly. Yes, I am from Chicago. Yes, I am on vacation.

Boom Here’s your $167 ticket. 41 in 30. (Anything less than 10mph over and Wyoming won’t report it to your home state)

I suck it up and try to enjoy the rest of my vacation
When I return home a week later, I figure out how to download my Phone’s GPS log. It confirms…I NEVER exceeded 25 mph throughout his town.
I begin contacting lawyers to see how I can fight this.
Most county lawyers confirm what I am now beginning to suspect. This is a corrupt police force…writing tickets to generate revenue to support a 3 man police force in a town with a population of 100. That’s 1 cop for every 33 citizens! If that ratio were carried over to NYC, New York would have 256,000 cops. FYI – They have 36,000. when I told these attorneys I had proof that I wasn’t speeding, which speeders rarely do, they said ‘That’s great but it won’t matter. Judge is in on the scam too! She deliberately plays dumbs and overrules any evidence brought by the accused.’

Anyway, I contacted the City’s attorney. Yes, they can afford an attorney too!
He dismissed my evidence as unreliable…despite the town having a T-mobile cell tower and I have T Mobile service. Accuracy should be spot on!

Cost to Hire an attorney to fight (and lose) $300
Cost to have them drop the charges $500
Cost to drive back out there to represent myself $400
Ticket $165….yes paying the ticket is your cheapest Option

So I mailed them 1650 dimes!

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