Saginaw Street. Between 475 and Dort Highway

Mount Morris, MichiganOct 08, 20021 Comments

The Cops in Mt.Morris are VERY rude and unfriendly as well they will stop you for just about anything such as tinted windows, if your driving a sports car, be prepared to stop and if you are driving, and you appear to be young they will find something to ticket you for. I would strongly urge anyone reading this to travel at least 5 under in Mt.morris as these guys are some real mean boys patrolling in Mt.Morris.

The Mt. Morris Police are very rude to the younger drivers. My son was pulled over for having his radio too loud.. Plus the police didn't like one of his bumper stickers which stated -- fear no bear, got bear and who are you to judge me -- all very legal stickers. So, if you are a younger driver, slow down and don't do anything to attract the police.
#1Mar 20, 2010Report Abuse

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