Sand Dunes Rd. between Canyon Del Rey and COSTCO, paralleling Hwy. 1

Sand City, CaliforniaJan 01, 20020 Comments

35 mph limit on a 3/4 to 1 mile two lane road, straight, with one side street on the ocean side that is a one block dead-end. No houses or businesses. Limit should be no less than 45. Traffic on parallel freeway makes it easy to go higher than 35 unless you watch speedometer constantly. Sand City has 190 residents and a big shopping center. Not sure how much of budget comes from traffic fines. Almost no crime so cops spend a lot of time on traffic enforcement. There is a street behind the shopping center that has a 10 mph limit. Cops hide in state beach parking lot at Canyon Del Rey then come out and follow passing cars. Also sit down dead-end street.

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