School zone on the east side of the town – going East Hwy 71

Franklin, TexasApr 17, 20103 Comments

The school zone sign is blocked by several other signs and you can not see the sign until you are right on it! The sign before the school zone sign is posted at 45 and the next visible is posted at 55! I guess the people that live in this town know the trap and go the 35 mph. Also, you can not see the school (on the left) because a large building is blocking the view. Classic speed trap.

Yea, I know. Those two LARGE, blinking lights on the top and bottom of the sign really make it hard to see! From the way you are describing this you were headed eastbound. If that's the case there is about 150 feet between the two signs. But I guess when your running 60 mph in the 45 it's hard to see the 35 mph school sign that flashes.
#1Sep 01, 2010Report Abuse
The cops here will follow you out of town wait for you to speed up then ticket you for speeding back in the school zone. Officer Thibodaux (a foul mouthed bully) ticketed me to the tune of $230 for "speeding" in the school zone. I had actually crawled thru town and did not speed up until I was well into the cotton fields east of town. You can't win when the cops are willing to lie. All you can do is to avoid the area and never shop there for food or gas.
#2Aug 10, 2015Report Abuse
The cops here will follow you out of town wait for you to speed up then ticket you for speeding back in the school zone. The officer (a foul mouthed bully) ticketed me to the tune of $230 for "speeding" in the school zone. I had actually crawled thru town and did not speed up until I was well into the cotton fields east of town. You can't win when the cops are willing to lie. All you can do is to avoid the area and never shop there for food or gas.
#3Aug 10, 2015Report Abuse

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