SE Mcloughlin & Taggert Boulevard near Where MLK turns into Mcloughin heading SE

Portland, OregonJan 08, 20060 Comments

I was pretty sure, since the 2 lanes had turned into 3 I was in the 45 mph zone….In fact, after I was photo’d I went back and was 20 yards from the 45mph. when I was ticketed along with at least 15 others….The light just kept flashing and flashing….The ticket location stated Mcloughin and Taggart…..I was EXACTLY with the flow of traffic….My ticket::::: 48mph! It stated I was still in the 35 mph zone. I hate photo radar. Not one of us was posing a risk, entering into a 3 lane road at which the speedzone increases to 45mph……I did not know of my options, and just paid the damn ticket after sending a lengthy letter to the judge…My first ticket EVER in 22 years as a driver. And yes, I plead guilty after advice from a number on the ticket. Wish I had plead no contest.

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