shortcut off 63

Cumberland, WisconsinJun 18, 20031 Comments

Cops sit and wait for motorists to speed through small residential streets trying to beat the numerous "weekenders" driving below the posted limits. Keep it below 28 MPH or you will be stopped. They have few places to hide but have no mercy.

Keyword here, "small residential streets" thats the reason for the 25 mph speed limit. We are a small town where its still safe to let our children ride thier bikes. We also had a child killed by someone who was "too important" and in a hurry to stop for a school bus. I've never heard of a cumberland officer citing anyone for less than 11 over, and if you are driving 36 mph in a residential area, you deserve a ticket. Let alone most of the time the violators are more like 45mph! Slow down, enjoy your vacation. keep our kids safe.
#1Jun 18, 2010Report Abuse

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