South bound Division near north foothills drive

Spokane, WashingtonJun 06, 20031 Comments

at least 2 cops at, almost all times, sit near the bottom of the division street hill. why does a four lane road, also known as hwy 395 and hyw 2, have a 30 mph limit?! you have to speed to get all the green lights, if youget one red, you get them all! heavily "trapped for the morning rush

The motorcycle cop that ticketed my vehicle came out of seemingly nowhere to my right fast and furious. Just received my ticket on 5-13 and same cop was involved in an accident on 5-19 on Crestline and Rowan with a 71-yr old male driver. Neither were seriously injured but my guess is the driver involved had no time to react or stop or was taken by sudden surprise at the cop's appearance. Are Police officers held accountable for accidents they cause in the line of duty? I'm not sure yet what to do about my citation as still in my 15-day option timeframe. My ticket states the location as N Division but was on Southbound at the bottom of the hill when cop pulled me over I drove into the parking lot right next to auto shop and Super supplements. I really thought the speed limit was 35 on N and S Division and it should be in my opinion. I'm not sure what speed I was actually going but when he came into the traffic lane next to me I was at 31 and stopping for the red light at that intersection. I really want to see the video with my vehicle but have to go to court for that and then won't the judge just give me more fines or something? Definitely a speed trap and one the city has profited
#1May 20, 2016Report Abuse

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