St Timothy Lutheran Church5124 164th St SWEdmonds,wa 98206
Beverly Elementary school 52 road driving on 164 and taking R on 52 road. Speed sign posted after school by St Timothy church says speed 35. The 35 mph speed limit sign across from the St. Timothy Lutheran Church is not within the City of Lynnwood boundaries. This sign was placed, owned, and maintained by Snohomish County and is not likely to have an “END SCHOOL ZONE” supplemental sign installed and is not required to mark the end of a school zone. If your citation was for driving northbound on 52nd Ave W faster than 20 mph in the area north of 168th St SW and south of the SPEED LIMIT 35 sign during the time when the school speed zone was active, it will be difficult to contest. But if you were cited for driving northbound faster than 20 mph but less than 35 mph north of the SPEED LIMIT 35 sign on 52nd Ave with or without an active school speed zone, contesting the ticket may be in your favor. My ticket was after 161st on this road going 31. I saw 35 sign on right side headed north and followed sign speed and still received ticket. There are no flashing crosswalks. No end school zone signs.
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